1.0 Introduction
Modeling is the process of
producing a model. According to Shannon, a model is a representation
of an object, a system, or an idea in some form other than that of the entity
itself. A model is a representation of
the construction and working of some system of interest. A model is similar to
but simpler than the system it represents. One purpose of a model is to enable
the analyst to predict the effect of changes to the system. On the one hand, a
model should be a close approximation to the real system and incorporate most
of its salient features. A model should not be so complex that it is impossible
to understand and experiment with it. An important issue in modeling is model
validity. Model validation techniques include simulating the model under known
input conditions and comparing model output with system output.
A simulation of a system
is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be reconfigured and
experimented with which this is impossible, too expensive or impractical to do
with the system it represents. The operation of the model can be studied.
Hence, properties
concerning the behavior of the actual system or its subsystem can be inferred.
Simulation is a tool to evaluate the performance of a system, existing or
proposed, under different configurations of interest and over long periods of
real time. Simulation is used before an existing system is altered or a new
system built, to reduce the chances of failure to meet specifications, to
eliminate unforeseen bottlenecks, to prevent under or over-utilization of
resources, and to optimize system performance.
In a simulation study, human decision making is
required at all stages, namely, model development, experiment design, output
analysis, conclusion formulation, and making decisions to alter the system
under study. The only stage where human intervention is not required is the
running of the simulations, which most simulation software packages perform
efficiently. The important point is that powerful simulation software is merely
a hygiene factor. If it is absence can hurt a simulation study but if it is
presented will not ensure success.
problem formulators and simulation modelers and analysts are indispensable for
a successful simulation study.
The steps involved in developing a
simulation model, designing a simulation experiment, and performing simulation
analysis are, identify the problem, formulate the problem, collect and process
real system data, formulate and develop a model, validate the model, document
model for future use, select appropriate experimental design, establish
experimental conditions for runs, perform simulation runs, interpret and
present results. Last but not least, is recommended further course of action.
Although this is a logical ordering of steps in a simulation study, many
iterations at various sub-stages may be required before the objectives of a
simulation study are achieved. Not all the steps may be possible or required.
On the other hand, additional steps may have to be performed.
to design a simulation experiment?
A simulation experiment is a test or a series of
tests in which meaningful changes are made to the input variables of a
simulation model so that we may observe and identify the reasons for changes in
the performance measures. Design of a simulation experiment involves answering
the question. For example, what data need to be obtained, in what form, and how
much?. Notwithstanding the facts that there are no data collection errors in
the simulation, the underlying model is fully known, and replications and
configurations are used
simulation results are difficult to interpret. An observation may be due to
system characteristics or just a random occurrence. Normally, statistical
inference can assess the significance of an observed phenomenon, but most
statistical inference techniques assume independent, identically distributed
data. Most types of simulation data are auto correlated, and hence, do not
satisfy this assumption.
makes a problem suitable for simulation modeling and analysis?
In general, whenever there is a need to model and
analyze randomness in a system, simulation is the tool of choice. It is
impossible or extremely expensive to observe certain processes in the real
world. For example, next year's cancer statistics, performance of the next
space shuttle, and the effect of Internet advertising on a company's sales.
Besides that, problems in which mathematical model can be formulated but
analytic solutions are either impossible or too complicated. It is impossible
or extremely expensive to validate the mathematical model describing the system
due to insufficient data.
How to select simulation software?
Although a simulation model can be built using
general purpose programming languages which are familiar to the analyst,
available over a wide variety of platforms, and less expensive, most simulation
studies today are implemented using a simulation package. The advantages are reduced
programming requirements, natural framework for simulation modeling, conceptual
guidance, the automated gathering of statistics, graphic symbolism for
communication, animation, and increasingly, flexibility to change the model.
Naturally, the question of how to select the best simulation software for an
application arises. Metrics for evaluation include modeling flexibility, ease
of use, modeling structure, code reuseability, graphic user interface,
animation, dynamic business graphics, hardware and software requirements,
statistical capabilities, output reports and graphical plots,customer support,
and documentation.
of simulation modeling and analysis
According to practitioners, simulation modeling and
analysis are one of the most frequently used operations research techniques.
When used judiciously, simulation modeling and analysis makes it possible to
obtain a better understanding of the system by developing a mathematical model
of a system of interest, and observing the system's operation in detail over
long periods of time. Test hypotheses about the system for feasibility is
needed. Besides, compress time to observe certain phenomena over long periods
or expand time to observe a complex phenomenon in detail. Next, study the
effects of certain informational, organizational, environmental and policy
changes on the operation of a system by altering the system's model. This can
be done without disrupting the real system and significantly reduces the risk
of experimenting with the real system. Experiment with new or unknown
situations about which only weak information is available. Identify the
"driving" variables which ones that performance measures are most
sensitive to and the inter-relationships among them. Identify bottlenecks in
the flow of or information. Use multiple performance metrics for analyzing
system configurations. Employ a systems approach to problem solving. Develop a
well designed and robust systems and reduce system development time.
Why teach
with simulations?
with simulations has involved deep learning. Instructional simulations have the
potential to engage students in ‘deep learning’ that empowers understanding as
opposed to ‘surface learning’ that requires only memorization. Deep learning gives
the meaning that students can learn scientific methods including the importance
of model building. Actually, experiments and simulations are the way scientists
do their work. Science’s student should be familiar with the scientific methods
which applied in science’s subjects. Using
instructional simulations gives students concrete formats of what it means to
think like a scientist and do scientific work. Student will learn the
relationships among variables in a model or models. Simulation allows students
to change parameter values and see what happens. By doing that, students
develop a feel for what variables are important and the significance of
magnitude changes in parameters.
The ability to match simulation results with an
analytically derived conclusion is especially valuable in beginning classes,
where students often struggle with sampling theory. Simulations help students
understand that scientific knowledge rests on the foundation of testable
hypotheses. Actively engaging in
student-student or instructor-student conversations needed to conduct a
simulation. Instructional simulations by their very nature cannot be passive
learning. Students are active participants in selecting parameter values,
anticipating outcomes, and formulating new questions to ask. Transferring knowledge to new problems
and situations occur while students conducting the simulation. A well done
simulation is constructed to include an extension to a new problem or new set
of parameters that requires students to extend what they have learned in an
earlier context.
By involve simulation in
teaching and learning, it help students understanding and refining their own
thought processes. A well done
simulation includes a strong reflection summary that requires students to think
about how and why they behaved as they did during the simulation. Seeing social processes and social
interactions in action also involved while carry out simulation. This is
one of the most significant outcomes of simulation in social science
disciplines such as sociology and political science.
and learning using simulation
There are some specific advantages connected with computer
simulation. First, some general advantageous aspects of simulation as a form
and method of learning will be indicated. Computer simulation offers the
opportunity to experiment with phenomena or events, which for a number of
reasons, cannot normally be experimented with in the traditional way. The
simulation also provides students with experience that may be difficult or impossible
to obtain in everyday life. For example, if a group students would like to do
an observation or research on the interaction between prey and predator, they
might have a problem due to time limitation. Execution of the real experiment
is impossible because this would take a number of weeks and can therefore not
be integrated as such within a lesson. So, from the computer simulation
students will be able to do experiment by using the suitable computer
Computer simulation programs can be used in education to
give the student more feeling for reality in some abstract fields of learning.
Sometimes, simulations can be entertaining because of dramatic and game-like
components. While working with a computer simulation program the student is
experimenting, so he or she is playing an active rather than a passive role.
This active engagement contrasts with the situation students often experience
during 'face-to-face' teaching when they listen passively. Simulation creates
an interactive educational setting which offers the possibility to effect
changes in relation to the learning experience in a more efficient way than is
normally possible with other didactic methods. It is obvious that computer
simulation does not work to its intended advantage on face-to-face teaching
(lecture type). Nor does it stand alone. Only when computer simulation is
appropriately alternated with other didactic forms, will it render a positive
Working with a computer simulation program often evokes
enthusiasm in the student and as such it has a positive influence on his
motivation. Simulations are highly motivating student both intrinsically and
extrinsically. However, no educational tool is effective for everyone. A
differentiated supply of educational support tools is therefore important. A
computer simulation program is one of them. Working with a computer simulation
program can increase the interest of a student about a subject. This can
express itself in the fact that students will often study relevant literature concerning
the subject after using a simulation more than they would have done with the
traditional approaches to learning. The subject is discussed more among
students and special experiences are mentioned.
The computer can be used as a didactic medium and in this
form it can serve as a tool to realize a chosen educational strategy and to
reach the set goals in a way that would otherwise have been impossible. But
what justifies the use of computer simulation within the situation of the
classroom?. Which specific didactic functions can computer simulation fulfil in
education?. Often the technical possibilities and the particularly effective
calculating capacity of the computer are advanced in order to justify a switch
to the use of computer simulations in classrooms. The didactic functions that
are possible with computer simulation are much more important. Students are
then offered the possibility to experiment with the real world system, though
it is simulated. Computer simulation also offers the possibility to repeat the
experiment as often as necessary until the intended insight into the system has
been acquired. It is also possible to do extreme things in computer simulation
and to observe the results, contrary to many traditional experiments.
The use of computer simulation, however, cannot replace the
practical laboratory. However, when experience with aspects of a real
experiment is considered important but a practical laboratory only has a
limited capacity, then working with a computer simulation program can increase
the impact of practical work. As was said earlier there can be different
reasons why the traditional experiment cannot be used in the educational
situation, even though the experiment would be desirable because the student's
insight could be positively enhanced by doing so.
with simulations has involved deep learning. Instructional simulations have the
potential to engage students in ‘deep learning’ that empowers understanding as
opposed to ‘surface learning’ that requires only memorization. Deep learning
gives the meaning that students can learn scientific methods including the
importance of model building. Actually, experiments and simulations are the way
scientists do their work. Science’s student should be familiar with the scientific
methods which applied in science’s subjects. Using instructional simulations
gives students concrete formats of what it means to think like a scientist and
do scientific work. The relationships among variables in a model or models.
Simulation allows students to change parameter values and see what happens.
Students develop a feel for what variables are important and the significance
of magnitude changes in parameters.
ability to match simulation results with an analytically derived conclusion is
especially valuable in beginning classes, where students often struggle with
sampling theory. Simulations help students understand that scientific knowledge
rests on the foundation of testable hypotheses. Actively engaging in student-student or instructor-student conversations
needed to conduct a simulation. Instructional simulations by their very nature
cannot be passive learning. Students are active participants in selecting
parameter values, anticipating outcomes, and formulating new questions to ask.
Transferring knowledge to new
problems and situations. A well done simulation is constructed to include an
extension to a new problem or new set of parameters that requires students to
extend what they have learned in an earlier context.
Stella is one of the computer simulation software, system
thinking in education and research that is simple and easily carried out for
the beginner (Figure 1). It provides us
with sample of experiments that allow students to try it out. One of the sample
experiments is the relationship between the prey and predator (predator-prey
dynamic). The hare is the prey while Lynx is the predator. If a group of students
is going to do some observation or experiment on the interaction between lynx
and hare, it might take time as they
have to observe the changes in number of both species. So, with Stella
software, they can observe any changes between the two species without time
limitation. Besides that, if a student would like to study more on the
interaction, they can just adjust the parameter which in this case, the student
will manipulate the size of one time lynx harvest. The results from the
manipulated parameter can be seen clearly from the graph obtained.
By using Stella, students will be able to carry out the
experiment by just manipulate the parameters and they will get the results at
the same time. The figures below show the different size of one time lynx
harvest. The size of the lynx in one time harvest is the manipulated variable
which we can adjust. Figure 2 shows the controlled variable with 0.0 sizes of
one time lynx harvest, Figure 3 with 200 sizes of one time lynx harvest and the
last Figure 4 show 750 size of one time lynx harvest. From these graphs
obtained, students can obviously observe the changes of the graph amplitude as
the number of lynx harvest increases or decreases. The changes of the graph
line will trigger students to know why the graph had changed?. They will start
questioning why it does change as the manipulate the parameters. This situation
will make students to think and motivate them to learn more and make any
Here’s (Figure 6), a very simple map of Hare population
dynamics. From this simple map, it can explain everything that happen in the
ecosystem. The box represents the number of hare in the population at any point
in time. This stock accumulates the flow of births, net of the flow of deaths.
Here, instead of water, we are accumulating hares as the prey in this
predator-prey system. The logic shown here says that hares breed like rabbits
which the larger the population, the greater the birth flow. The little circle
called hare birth fraction. This circle represents the number of offspring
produced on average, per hare in the population per year. Lynx eat hare. This
is one component of the predator-prey interactions. The consuming of prey by
The number of hares killed per lynx per year is assumed to
depend on hare density. The greater the density of hares in the ecosystem, the larger
the number of hares consumed per lynx per year. This linkage from hare, to
density, to hares killed per lynx, to hare deaths, and back to hare again,
forms a Counteracting feedback loop. An increase in the number of hare in the
system propagates around the loop to lead to an increase in the hare death
flow, and thus brings the number of hares back down again. From the map also
show that some fraction of the lynx population dies each year. That fraction is
determined by the density of the hare population in the ecosystem. A higher
density of hares means fatter, happier and longer-lived lynx. On the other
hand, as the population density of hares declines, a larger portion of the lynx
population will die of malnutrition and starvation. All these explaination can
be clearly seen from the changes of graph line’s amplitude. Rather than
explaining in the words, students will be able to see it clearly the changes
from the graph obtained.
As mentioned before, by using Stella or other computer
simulation, there is no need to wait for a long time just to see the results
from the interaction of prey and predator. As we know to study the interaction
of prey-predator will take times. The limit of time can be overcome by using
Stella. If a teacher is using the Stella in teaching and learning process, it
does help a lot to give better understanding to students. In this case,
students will be able to do prediction from the trend of graphs obtained.
Students also can explore and try on the software. They can manipulate the
parameters. By learning this way, is it like playing with computer games. Of
course this is more interesting than learning on the traditional way. Like a
new game, students will be excited to explore the software. Hence, teachers can
build the motivation in students to learn. They will feel enjoy learning
through the computer simulation as they can see what actually happen and why it
happen clearly. If the teacher only teaches by giving lectures only, it does
not mean all students will really understand what they had learnt. Teaching and
learning process will be more meaningful when students get the benefits and
gain knowledge.
Advantages and disadvantages of
are some advantages of computer simulation as an educational tool or for
training. The apparatus necessary to be able to carry out an experiment in
reality is too expensive and often this apparatus can only be operated by
specialists, if it can be obtained at all. The student or trainee can now
exercise as much as necessary. Owing to the practice beforehand precious time
and apparatus can be put to optimum use. Besides that, the process to be
investigated takes place so quickly in reality that it cannot be examined
through the traditional experiment, for example, certain chemical processes.
Changes in a chemical reaction should be presented at such a pace in
educational situations that observation is possible. In reality those changes
can hardly be noticed and they are not interesting for calculations, but only
for the acquisition of insight.
Rather than that, computer simulation can overcome the
problem which related to time. For example, the process to be examined can
proceed too slowly in reality such as the prey-predator dynamic. So, by doing
computer simulation we can carry out the observation or experiment by using
computer simulation. This simulation also used to examine the complex system
for traditional research, such as economic systems. If the system to be
examined can be on too large or too small a scale, such as planetary movements
in space and molecular movements, simulation will give us the real experiences
and pictures. In some condition, there will be a situation which we cannot
carry out the research as it can be dangerous to manipulate such as a nuclear
reactor, a ship or a human body, simulation is the best solution.
In teaching and learning, simulation experiments can be used
prior to a course for students or trainees as an introduction to a new subject
or certain parts of it. Simulation often goes hand in hand with visualization.
The results of the changes that a student puts into a model are directly shown
on the screen. This generally applies to students. Simulation can be very
purposive and for certain students very useful, such as students who need some
insight before they are able to learn and understand a new concept. The student
can insert those parameter values that he or she thinks will produce a result
which is of interest to him. The student can devote his attention to parts that
interest him. The student can skip other parts or aspects. This way he or she
learns how to experiment systematically. A student can choose how he or she
wants to approach a simulation experiment, how often he or she wants to repeat
the experiment and to which degree he or she wants to intervene. This is same for
the Stella software that had been used
to determine the interaction between the hares and lynx.
In computer simulation there are usually many ways to
achieve the goals the student has set himself. If well-designed, learning how
to operate a computer simulation program generally requires little effort. A
short introduction by the teacher is often sufficient to enable the student to
work with the program. It can be an advantage that the student perceives that
not everything can be used as input. The student realizes that variable and
parameters have their limits, and learns what input is reasonable for a
particular variable and what input yields relevant information.
There are not only advantages connected with the use of
computer simulation programs in education and training. Limitations are in some
cases the result of the wrong or inappropriate use of such programs. Possible
limitations of a general and educational kind such as simulation concerns the
manipulation of a number of variables of a model representing a real system.
However, manipulation of a single variable often means that the reality of the
system as a whole can be lost. Certain systems or components of a realistic
situation are not transparent. Some factors have a lot of influence on the
whole, but they have indistinct relations in the whole and can therefore not be
represented in a model. These factors, however, cannot be forgotten in the
learning process.
computer simulation program cannot develop the students' emotional and
intuitive awareness that the use of simulations is specifically directed at
establishing relations between variables in a model. So this intuition has to
be developed in a different way. Furthermore, computer simulation cannot react
to unexpected 'sub-goals' which the student may develop during a
learning-process. These sub-goals would be brought up during a teacher-student
interaction but they remain unsaid during the individual student use of a
simulation. Computer simulation programs may function well from a technical
point of view, but they are difficult to fit into a curriculum. Often a
computer simulation program cannot be adapted to take into different student
levels into account within a group or class. A computer simulation program can
certainly be made to adapt to different circumstances if the designer bears
that in mind. However, for many computer simulation programs this has not
happened. During the experience of interaction with a computer simulation
program, the student is frequently asked to solve problems in which creativity
is often the decisive factor to success. The fact that this creativity is more
present in some students than in others is not taken into account by the
simulation. Mutual collaboration and discussion among students while using the
software could be a solution for this.
Computer simulation is an interactive way to be applied in
educational system in Malaysia. As Malaysia is towards to the technology
application in school, teaching and learning process will be more interesting
and meaningful. In Science subject, the computer simulation will make the learning
process more interesting and easier to be carry out activities. It also will save
time for teachers to teach students according to the syllabus. However, to integrate simulation in teaching
and learning process, it is not that easy. Some improvement should be taken and
considered before applying it. We should not forget the traditional way
learning process to develop soft skills which cannot get from the computer
simulation. We must bear in mind that nothing is perfect. Everything will have
positive side and negative side.
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