Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Assignment 1

Issues and Challenges in Integrating ICT in School

Problem Statement
ICT applications have become an important part of teaching and learning. The Ministry of Education has invested a huge effort in terms of funding and training to equip teachers and students with ICT skills. In your opinion what are the issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian Schools.

Malaysia has long recognized the importance of ICT to spur the national development. National IT Council and National IT Agenda were formulated in 1990 and 1996 respectively. This is further emphasized under the Vision 2020 policy in 1996. The policy project Malaysia to be fully developed nation by 2020. In an effort to measure the status of the schools in terms of ICT categorization and integration of ICT in education, a Smart School Qualification Standard (SSQS) was introduced in 2007.

Information and Communication in Technology (ICT) has become an important part of teaching and learning process. Even though, The Ministry of Education has invested a huge effort in terms of funding and training to equip teachers and students with ICT skills, but there are still issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian Schools. Although valuable lessons may be learned from best practices around the world, there is no one formula for determining the optimal level of ICT integration in the educational system.

The significant challenges those policy makers and planners, educators, education administrators, and other need to consider include educational policy and planning, infrastructure, language and content, capacity building, and financing. For example, from the infrastructure side, in the first place are we need to think that are our Malaysian School have an appropriate room or buildings available to house the technology or not. In our countries where there are many old school buildings, extensive retrofitting to ensure proper electrical wiring, heating or cooling and ventilation, and safety and security would be needed. Policy makers should also look at the ubiquity of different types of ICT in the country in general, for instance, a basic requirement for computer-based or online learning is access to computers in schools, communities, and households, as well as affordable Internet service.

Besides, inadequate of teacher training opportunities and technical support for ICT projects will cause difficulties to implement ICT in schools. On the other hand, computer skill level among teachers was still at the average level. Teachers tend to use computers and ICT only for their personal usage and not and teaching and learning process. Moreover, some of the teachers have perception that when there is a drastic change to the curriculum then they have to do more work.

Furthermore, students in rural area cannot access the internet due to the lack of facilities. On top of that, when the students are lack of skills in using computers they tend to feel the process of learning and teaching are difficult. Hence, they are bound to be less interested in studies. Besides, due to the limited period of time provided for every subject, teachers having difficulties to implement ICT during the lessons. For certain teachers they think ICT are not the main priority for the Malaysia Educational System since it is based on examination.

Creating awareness of what happens in schools can facilitate the integration of ICT in education and promote successful partnerships between schools and the community. Integration of ICT in teaching and learning will yield numerous benefits. Students need to develop the skills that will enable them to benefit from new opportunities offered by ICT. ICT can also be used to support teachers who lack adequate skills and content knowledge, thus contributing to improving the quality of learning. Besides, principals have to play role in developing a more collaborative approach when defining ICT.

The Ministry also collaborates with different organizations both local and international in ICT-related projects. Through smart partnerships and strategic alliances between the Ministry of Education Malaysia and local international organizations, Malaysia schools are not only provided with professional expertise and advise on technological strategies, but also assure a continuous flow of ideas and practices that can be used to enhance teaching and learning and school administrative processes. 


Learning issues
Action plans
          -  ICT application has become an important part of teaching and learning.           
          -  The Ministry of Education invested a huge effort in terms of funding and training to equip teachers and students with ICT skills.

            - Malaysia has long recognized the importance of ICT to spur the national development.
     - Smart School Qualification Standard (SSQS) was introduced in 2007.
           - What did Malaysia do to integrate the ICT technology?
           -What are the challenges to integrated ICT in Malaysian School?
          -What are the advantages of using ICT in teaching and learning processes?

           -Search internet
          -  Reading articles
           - Ask friends

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Video

My video using Movie Maker!

'Behind the scene'

I'm using Movie Maker to include music in this video. Actually this video was taken when my mother and I were having a picnic at a garden at Batu Gajah, Perak. I am recording the video using my handphone.

Lecture 8

Copyright and Internet Ethics for Educational Media
Copyright Act of 1976 states…
-copyright owners have the right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, perform, display, transfer ownership, rent or lend their creations.

Other acts:
- Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998
- Copyright Act of 1976

Lecture 7


The technology / application and explaination of how it operates.
-          Interactive whiteboard turn your computer into a powerful tool for teaching, collaborating and presenting.

Utilizing the internet using interactive whiteboard
-          As an integrated part of teaching
-          Limited education software

Advantages of utilizing the internet using  IWB
-          Cost effective resources
-          Quick and easy access to information
-          Safe search for searching the internet

Disadvantages using IWB
-          Ineffective and incorrect resources
-          Searced internet content not suitable for students vision
-          Used as just a projector
-          Cost of downloading website
-          Need to either type into the browser bar using the keyboard connection or use the on-screen keyboard

Effectiveness IWB in schools
1)      Increase pupil engagement, innovation and enjoyment, potentially leading to improvements in individual students learning ability.
2)      Extend the range of teaching and learning styles in classroom.
3)      Cater for those studens who have hearing or visual impairment.
4)      Teachers able to explore new ways of creative teaching, giving teachers the ability to test the ways the students learn best.
5)      Help teachers to plan their lessons more effectively .
6)      Operating text and images.
7)      Making notes in digital ink.
8)      Saving notes for later review by using e-mail, the Web or print.
9)      Viewing websites as a group.
10)  Demonstrating or using software without being tied to a computer.
11)  Creating digital lesson activities with templates, images and multimedia.
12)  Writing notes over educational video clips.
13)  Using presentation tools to enhance learning materials.
14)  Showcasing student presentations.

Lecture 6


What is a portfolio?
v  Organized collection of materials that demonstrate a person’s expansion of knowledge and skills over time.
v  Contents, organization, presentation of materials varies, depending on intended audience and purpose.
v  Evident of individual’s growth and development.

Teaching Portfolio
v  Demonstrates the professional competence of anyone who engages in the act of teaching.
v  A collection of your best work presented systematically a thoughtfully for your own self-improvement.

v  Allows teaching and learning to be considered in their appropriate context.
v  No two individual teaching alike, no 2 portfolio will look alike.
v  Highlight and explain specific strategies and approaches
v  Include materials associated with teaching.

Teaching Philosophy
Philosophy of teaching statement demonstrate that you have been reflective and purposeful about your teaching. Your goal is to corresponding in class.

Integral to the complex process of becoming a teacher. It also used to improve teaching practice.

Lecture 5


What is a portfolio?
v  Organized collection of materials that demonstrate a person’s expansion of knowledge and skills over time.
v  Contents, organization, presentation of materials varies, depending on intended audience and purpose.
v  Evident of individual’s growth and development.

Teaching Portfolio
v  Demonstrates the professional competence of anyone who engages in the act of teaching.
v  A collection of your best work presented systematically a thoughtfully for your own self-improvement.

v  Allows teaching and learning to be considered in their appropriate context.
v  No two individual teaching alike, no 2 portfolio will look alike.
v  Highlight and explain specific strategies and approaches
v  Include materials associated with teaching.

Teaching Philosophy
Philosophy of teaching statement demonstrate that you have been reflective and purposeful about your teaching. Your goal is to corresponding in class.

Integral to the complex process of becoming a teacher. It also used to improve teaching practice.

Lecture 4


Known as computer crime, digital crime, e-crime and electronic crime. Crime committed through the use of technology to intimidate people, commit fraud or steal valuable information. For example:
-          Internet banking fraud
-          Harassment
-          Intrusion
-          Offenses
-          Intellectual Property Infringement

Effects of cyber crime:
-          Loss of revenue or profits
-          Waste of valuable time
-          Damaged reputations
-          Reduced productivity

E- Ends
U- Users
L- License

Lecture 3

The Malaysian Smart School

Including ICT in Teaching and Learning
Enhance teaching and learning

ICT as an enabler
State of the art pedagogical practices
Technological trends

Main components
-          Skills
-          Process
-          Technology
-          Policies

Objectives of Smart School:
1)      To produce thinking and technology literate workforce.
2)      To increase stakeholder involvement.
3)      To democratize education.
4)      To provide opportunities to improve individual strengths and abilities.
5)      To develop students physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually balanced.
6)      To achieve the goals of the National Educational Philosophy.
7)      To develop a workforce for the Information Age.

-          School Resources Centre
-          Computer lab
-          Classroom
-          School Access Centre

Monday, November 12, 2012

Lecture 2

Utilized software
-          To read information from sensors.
-          To convert a physical quantity into an electrical signal.

Ø  Better understanding of scientific experimentation
Ø  Better understanding of science concepts
Ø  More collegial collaboration opportunities
Ø  Better graphing skills
Ø  Greater interest in practical work
Ø  Opportunities interdisciplinary project
Ø  Enhanced computer literacy
Ø  New innovative experiments possible

Ø  Some people may not like working on a computer system
Ø  Reduced practice of graphing skills
Ø  A student may not relate science concepts to microscopic and symbolic system representation
Ø  Loss of conventional methods of Data Collection
Ø  Increased workload and teachers